Inequality Spurs Democratic Backsliding

Inequality Spurs Democratic Backsliding

Susan Stokes, Faculty Director of the Chicago Center on Democracy, recently published an opinion piece in Project Syndicate, “Inequality Spurs Democratic Backsliding.” The piece draws on research from the center that shows that countries with higher income...
Neutralizing falsehoods about the documents case

Neutralizing falsehoods about the documents case

Susan Stokes, Faculty Director of the Chicago Center on Democracy, today published an opinion piece in Project Syndicate, “Neutralizing Trump’s Big Lies.” The description of the piece is: Donald Trump’s falsehoods about the federal case against him...
Democracy Roundtables in Paris, February 2023

Democracy Roundtables in Paris, February 2023

Three centers at the University of Chicago—the Center for Effective Government, the Chicago Center on Democracy, and the Center in Paris—recently convened a group of scholars and practitioners in Paris for a set of roundtables on vulnerabilities to democracy. Those...
Op-ed on Brazil’s “own version of January 6”

Op-ed on Brazil’s “own version of January 6”

In an op-ed published in Project Syndicate on January 10, Susan Stokes discusses the recent attack on government buildings in Brazil: the country’s “own version of January 6” in the United States. The piece argues that: “When aspiring dictators...