The New Yorker recently covered Bright Line Watch’s recent study that explores voters’ commitment to democratic norms. These norms include respect for universal access to voting and deference to the decisions of courts (even when they believe the courts made the wrong decision). The study found that there is widespread agreement among Democrats, independents, and Republicans that most norms should be respected. The one area of disagreement is on voting rights, with self-identified Republicans favoring candidates in favor of strict voter ID laws, and Democrats on the other side.
Read the New Yorker article HERE.
Other recent coverage of Bright Line Watch’s surveys includes:
A New Study Finds Americans Support Politicians Who Respect the Courts, Pacific Standard, January 8, 2019
- When voters choose candidates, politics beats policy, Futurity, January 7, 2019
Would you vote for a Democrat who behaves like a Republican?, University of Rochester Newscenter, January 4, 2019
New survey shows bipartisan support for independent legal investigations, The Michigan Daily, November 27, 2018